According to a 2007 survey by AARP, 34 percent of the
over-50 population has done some pre-planning and 23 percent have pre-paid a
portion or all of the funeral or burial expenses for themselves or someone
else. That translates into 20 million people age 50 or older who have already
paid some funeral expenses.
A traditional funeral, including a casket and vault, costs
about $6,000, according to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), and additions
such as obituary notices, flowers and limousines easily run up the total to
over $10,000.
There are plenty of reasons to pre-plan and, if possible,
pre-pay your final arrangements long before the need arises.
Pre-planning, is it worth it?
Most funeral homes today offer pre-planning services. This
allows you to go in and make arrangements for some or all of your own funeral,
down to every detail. The funeral director will give you a price list for goods
and services, which is required under the FTC's "Funeral Rule."
Pre-planning relieves your family of significant stress and
uncertainty over arrangements. It may even head off arguments among family
members over what you wanted for your services and burial.
Price guarantees?
If you elect to pre-pay your arrangements, many funeral
directors will offer a price guarantee. That means you can lock in today's
prices no matter when your funeral is held in the future. With funeral prices
only destined to go up, this is a smart choice.
If your prices are not locked in and you pre-pay, your
family may need to pay extra at the time of your funeral to make up the
In drawing up pre-paid contracts, funeral directors may
offer guaranteed prices for some items but not for others. For example, prices
on flowers and grave services may not be guaranteed.
Pre-paying a funeral
Once your pre-planned arrangements are set, you can elect to
pay a portion or all of the bill before your death. This too lifts the burden
from family members and helps ensure that your wishes are carried out. There
are three main ways to fund a pre-paid funeral:
Final expense insurance
Pre-need insurance
Pre-need trusts
· Pay On Death Account
Final expense insurance
Final expense insurance, also known as "burial" or
"funeral" insurance, is a life insurance policy with a low face
value, such as $5,000 to $50,000, that you buy directly from an insurance
company. You can name any beneficiary, typically a family member, who would
make the claim and receive the money upon your death. That beneficiary would
then be responsible for using the money to carry out your wishes.
The beneficiary legally could decide to use the money any
way they want, so make sure you trust your beneficiary. Also, if your benefit
amount exceeds the cost of your funeral, the beneficiary keeps the difference.
For example, if you have a final expense policy for $15,000 and your services
and burial end up costing $12,000, your beneficiary would pay the bill and keep
the extra $3,000.
expense" insurance policies are low face value term or whole life
Final expense policies are either "term life"
(which covers you for a specific time period or until a certain age, then
expires) or "whole life" (which covers you for the rest of your
life). They are generally either "simplified issue" policies, for
which you're asked several medical questions but don't have to take a medical
exam, or "guaranteed issue," where the policy is issued to anyone who
applies with no medical questions asked.
For example, Globe Life markets final expense policies
through direct mail with face values from $5,000 to $50,000. Globe Life's final
expense policies are "term to 80," meaning that the policies expires
at age 80 if no benefit has been paid. They are "simplified issue" policies
with applications that ask for your medical history going back three years. The
maximum age for buying Globe Life final expense insurance is 75.
People who have a serious health problem may receive a
policy with a "graded death benefit," which means the coverage amount
increases over time and your beneficiaries won't receive the full face value if
you die within the first few years of the policy.
Remember that any life insurance policy can be used to pay
for a funeral. You can buy any term or whole life policy and instruct your
beneficiary to use a portion or all of the death benefit for your funeral.
Standard term and whole life policies, however, aren't offered in low face
amounts like $5,000, which is why final expense policies can be handy if you
need insurance money only to cover funeral expenses.
If you have other financial obligations, such as a mortgage
and dependents who are counting on you to pay for college, you're better off
buying a standard term life or whole life policy in an amount that can cover a
number of family needs, including final expenses.
Pre-need insurance
Another type of life insurance policy, called pre-need
insurance, is intended for the person who has selected specific arrangements at
a funeral home and wants the assurance that those arrangements will be paid for
and implemented. Unlike final expense policies, which you buy directly from an
insurance company, pre-need policies are sold by funeral home directors or their representatives who are
also licensed agents. The funeral home is the beneficiary of the policy and the
funeral director or his agent receives a commission, like any agent, for selling you the
These policies can be paid in one lump sum or over time.
Funeral directors who are agents for pre-need insurance typically offer
policies underwritten by just one company. That means you won't be able to
"comparison shop" for price; you'll have to take the pre-need policy
rate that's offered or decline it.
The funeral home is the beneficiary of the pre-need
insurance policy.
Pre-need insurance saves your family effort, too. The
funeral director makes the claim, receives the money, and carries out your
wishes. Before buying, find out what happens if you change your mind and want
to move arrangements to a different funeral home.
"Insurance is king," says Chuck Wetmore of
American Funeral & Cemetery Trust Services in Oregon, which helps
administer pre-need trusts around the country, including the California Master
Trust. Wetmore estimates that about 80 percent of pre-paid funerals are funded
by insurance.
Pre-need insurance laws vary by state and New York does not
allow the sale of pre-need insurance at all.
Pre-need trusts
Another option is to make pre-arrangements with your funeral
director and fund those arrangements by putting cash into a trust, which holds
the money until your death and then disperses it to the funeral director. This
arrangement also relieves your family of last-minute decisions. But just as
with pre-need insurance, if you don't have a “price guarantee” on your funeral
selections, it's possible that the money you put into a trust today won't fully
cover expenses in the future.
Under this arrangement, your payment for funeral
arrangements is deposited into a federally insured bank until your death.
Depending on your state, your money may be put into an individual trust account
or a "master" trust, which pools many individual trusts. The value of
the trust can rise and fall depending on the investment performance. However,
if you have a guaranteed-price contract from your funeral director, he takes on
the market risk from the trust and must provide the services you selected no
matter how well the trust's investments have performed.
A pre-need trust holds the money until your death and then
disperses it to the funeral director.
Many states allow funeral directors to keep a portion of
your trust payment. For example, Washington allows a funeral director to keep
10 percent, Nebraska allows 15 percent and Colorado allows 25 percent.
California allows nothing to be retained by funeral directors.
No matter what amount a funeral director may retain, if you
cancel your trust you will receive all your money back.
If trust investments have done well, there will be
"overage" between the trust value and the cost of the funeral. What
happens then varies by region. Some funeral directors
will pocket the difference; east of the Mississippi, they usually return it to
the family. In New York, any money left in the trust after funeral costs must
be returned to the family.
Pre-need trusts can be revocable or irrevocable. Funds in a
revocable trust can be withdrawn at any time if you change your mind. But if
you're spending down your assets in order to qualify for social services such
as Medicaid, you'd need to put your pre-paid funeral money into an irrevocable
trust, which cannot be withdrawn until your death and removes it from your
Your funeral director may offer both pre-need insurance and
trust services. If you're set on using a particular funeral home, your pre-pay
options will be limited by what the funeral director has chosen to offer.
Funeral directors who offer only pre-need trusts do not have to go through the
time and expense of getting licensed in order to sell pre-need insurance in the
Pay on Death account
Establish a "Pay on Death" (POD) account at your
bank. This is an account designating your funeral home as the beneficiary upon
your death. Make sure you inform the funeral home, family members, executor and
lawyer of the existence of the account. You can cancel the account without
Earmark a savings account. Make provisions for your family
members to withdraw funds at your death to pay for funeral services. You can
always change your mind.
Weighing pre-need insurance
vs. pre-need trusts

- Ask for a guaranteed price plan no matter how you'll fund your funeral.
- For items and services that cannot be price-guaranteed, ask for a written estimate of the cost so your family will know what to expect.
- You may be declined for insurance due to age or health.
- The funeral home director receives a commission for selling you a pre-need policy.
- You can't "comparison shop" for pre-need insurance rates; the funeral director chooses your insurer, but you select the face amount.
- Funeral directors may have financial incentives for selling a large volume of pre-need policies; for example, they may receive extra compensation if they sell a lot of policies for one company.
- If you use a pre-need trust, make sure your contract includes a cancellation clause. Some states may allow a "revocation fee" to be charged.
- If your money is held in a trust, in some states your family members may be able to strip down your funeral service arrangements and receive cash back.
- Know where your trust money is being invested; you may receive an annual statement of earnings or be required to report interest income on your taxes.
- If you received social services before your death, your family cannot receive trust money back; any difference between the funeral cost and the trust amount would have to be returned to the state.
- If you're buying a final expense or pre-need insurance policy, find out if it's possible you will pay more premiums than your beneficiaries will receive in death benefit.
- AARP urges you to find out if your pre-paid arrangements can be moved to another funeral home.
"It's all taken care
Pre-paid funerals, no matter how they're funded, and guaranteed-price
contracts can offer tremendous peace of mind to you and your family.
But people may have different ideas about "taking care
of everything."
"Mom/Dad said everything was taken care of." That's
what We hear often when we talk to families. Yet families who were
told by parents that "everything was taken care of" often had
unpleasant surprises upon arriving at the funeral home.
In our experience, often some families are surprised
to discover that only a burial plot had been paid for. Others are surprised to
find out that a list of desired arrangements was made at a funeral home but
nothing paid for. Still other families have been told that "everything is
taken care of" but never told which funeral home has the paperwork. And
then there are the families who find out after a funeral that a pre-need plan
was in place at a funeral home across town. (In that case, proceeds go back to
the family.)
any way, it tends to cause a lot of turmoil within the family, if not done right, But what is right? That is up to you, the family or the individual to decide...
Whatever level of pre-arranging you do, make sure that key
members of your family know what's in place and where.
Where can I go with this policy?
The magic about a pre-need funeral insurance is that you can use it anywhere!!! (unless it specifically says). If you are told you cant, ask the funeral home to "SHOW YOU". Better yet, TAKE it to another funeral home and ask them.
Lets say you purchase a policy at a local funeral home in Tolleson or Goodyear Arizona. The policy itself has a value of about $6,500.00 In that policy you have purchased;
1. Basic Service of the funeral director and staff
2. Transport to the funeral home
3. Embalming & body preparation
4. Dressing Casketing and cosmetics
5. 20 gauge Casket of your choosing at the time
6. 2 hour visitation
7. Church service
8. Hearse
9. Flower van
10. Book and folders
11. Casket cross
12. Graveside service
13. Cash advance items of $1,000.00 for;
- Flowers
- Escorts
- Some cemetery charges
- Musicians
- Death certificates
- Dove release
All these items are charged or added up at that specific funeral homes charges. Thus $6,500.00 is your cost.
So lets say you want to go to another local funeral home in Avondale where the same services cost about $3,800.00...
Well, that leaves you with $2,700.00 too use as you wish to add more to the same service for the deceased at this lower costing funeral home, or even take home with you.
That's $2,700.00.....
Now, as the policy grows old, the cash you pay into this policy grows interest, that interest is used to pay for the service when you need to use it at that times charges. That is how funeral homes "lock in" those prices.
Should you choose to use that policy at another location, that is less expensive than the local Goodyear or Tolleson funeral home, you will probably have funds "LEFT OVER".
Let me repeat that, you will probably have funds "LEFT OVER"
What can you do with those funds? ANYTHING YOU LIKE! Add on to the service, spend it at the cemetery for a marker, use it to have a luncheon after the service or even a little gathering for food.
Basically, it is your to decide. Just because it is in the policy does not mean that you HAVE to give it to the funeral home.
Oh, and that "CASH ADVANCE" amount in the policy? it was put there to pay for those items listed above, please do not let the funeral director con you into upgrading the casket using that money. That is pure profit for them, and now you have to pay for those cash advance items out of pocket.
So there you go, now you know. Use the policy where you want, no matter what the funeral home says. It is to be used to bury the deceased, not profit the funeral home.