I thought it necessary to give you the rule of Catholic law to assist you in making decision in regard to burial over cremation for Catholics. Seeing how burial is almost becoming a financial impossibility and many Catholic Cemeteries and NOW Mortuaries are charging prices that are unobtainable to families, you need to know your options.
As a Catholic, may I be cremated?

Do I need to ask permission to be cremated?
No, but it is a good idea to
discuss your reasons with your pastor or other parish minister.
The Church prefers that cremation
take place after the full funeral liturgy with the body. However, in the American
culture, cremation often takes place immediately or soon after death.
"Sometimes, however, it is
not possible for the body to be present for the Funeral Mass. When
extraordinary circumstances make the cremation of a body the only feasible
choice, pastoral sensitivity must be exercised by all who minister to the
family of the deceased." Order of Christian Funerals, Appendix II) (in other words, the catholic priest may authorize this, do not let them tell you it is Christian/Catholic rule)
Is it necessary to embalm?
When cremation follows the
funeral liturgy, embalming is usually necessary. When cremation follows soon
after death, embalming is not necessary in Arizona, (if no viewing is to be had and the funeral home is to refrigerate) Honestly, that is the law, But the funeral home may require if it is their policy. Each state has its own regulations in
this matter, but generally the rule is that a deceased human body that is not
buried or cremated within 24 to 48 hours is to be embalmed or refrigerated. However,
simple embalming and the use of a cremation casket need not involve excessive
costs. (Funeral Homes are not required to have refrigeration facilities in Arizona, it is a "catch 22". be cautious if you are told the un-embalmed body must be embalmed. If there is no refrigeration, move on)
Is it necessary to purchase a casket for cremation?
No. The only thing required is a
simple container in which the body can be transported and placed in the
cremation chamber. (cardboard box, you will need nothing more, do not be oversold on anything else)
If you choose to have the body
present for Mass, with cremation to follow, rental is an option. Many funeral
directors offer regular caskets for rent, as well as the special cremation or
shell casket which you may purchase. (again, do not be sold on a wood "cremation casket", these are very expensive and easy to be over marketed)
What is the proper container for cremated remains?

How are cremated remains transported?
It is a matter of personal
choice. Individuals personally carrying a deceased person's ashes will often
have the added responsibility of packing and transporting the urn. You may wrap
the container of cremated remains with the possibility of sending it as accompanying
baggage or take it along as carry-on luggage. Some states regulate the
transport of cremated remains. Ask the airline office or your state's
Department of Public Health for specific before preparing the cremated remains
for transport by air. Where no legal regulations exist regarding transport of
cremated remains, cremated remains in a standard shipping container are usually
sent by U.S. Mail, UPS or another common carrier. (UPS, FEDEX and the like will no longer transport cremated remains, USPS via registered mail)
Must cremated remains be buried/entombed?

People do a lot of different
things with cremated remains: some scatter the remains, some keep them at home,
some leave the remains at the crematorium or the funeral home. Some choose
burial or inurnment in a cemetery.
The Church recommends burial or
inurnment of cremated remains as a mark of respect for the human body which was
a temple of the Holy Spirit, was nourished at the Eucharistic Table and will
share in the Resurrection.
In 1997 the bishops of the United
States published a booklet called Reflections on the Body, Cremation, and
Catholic Funeral Rites that presents pastoral guidelines for Catholics who
choose cremation. In part the US bishops say:
"The remains of cremated
bodies should be treated with the same respect given to the corporal remains of
a human body. This includes the manner in which they are carried, the care and
attention to appropriate placement and transport, and their final disposition.
The cremated remains of a body should be entombed in a mausoleum or
columbarium; they may also be buried in a common grave in a cemetery. The
practices of scattering cremated remains on the sea, from the air, or on the
ground or keeping cremated remains in the home of a relative or friend of the
deceased are not the reverent disposition that the Church requires (budget permitting). Whenever
possible, appropriate means of memorializing the deceased should be utilized,
such as a plaque or stone that records the name of the deceased."
In addition, the value of
memorialization is twofold:
• Memorials constitute a visible
history of our faith community.
• Memorials are an important aid
to survivors, providing a focal point for the expression of grief and a place
of comfort as survivors go through the grieving process.
Be very, very careful of this, a cemetery (any cemetery) will try to sell you a full sized grave for burial. You do not need one, also, you can save the cremated remains for a later time for burial with a spouse or family member.
The first selection related to
burial or inurnment of cremated remains is really the last selection, i.e. the
urn to hold those remains which are returned from the crematory. That selection
will be guided by the following decisions.
In general terms, there are two options for
the final disposition of cremated remains: in-ground burial and above-ground
I. Ground Burial of Cremated
•In existing full grave with
arrangements for one or more cremation burials and suitable memorialization.
•In a ground burial area designed
with smaller graves to accommodate cremated remains and provision for either
flush ground or above-ground memorialization. •In the same grave space as already utilized or reserved for another family member's full burial, with observance of the cemetery's regulation for memorialization in such instances.
II. Above-Ground Inurnment of Cremated Remains
in a Columbarium:

•A columbarium with a closed face
granite construction generally will be found in both interior or exterior
•A columbarium with a closed face
marble construction will generally be found in colder and wet climates inside a
building only.
•In some instances a cemetery may
make provision to allow for the inurnment of one or more cremated remains in a
full mausoleum crypt and permit memorialization on the face of that crypt for
the remains of the individual inurned.
In making the selection of the
cremation urn one should keep in mind the location selected - will it be seen
or concealed? Does the urn space selected make provision for identification of
the individual? Obviously, a glass fronted niche will not do so and therefore
the memorialization or the identification will have to be executed on the urn
Burial at a "Catholic Cemetery is not a requirement. DO NOT fall for sales tactics in regards to this. Remember, Catholic Cemetery sales personnel operate on commission just like corporate funeral. Do not be fooled.)
Veterans get buried for free at any "Veterans National Memorial Cemetery in the United States", any of the 121 of them.
What is a columbarium?
A common practice is the
entombment of the cremated remains in a "columbarium". It is an
arrangement of niches, either in a mausoleum, a room or wall into which an urn
or other worthy vessel is placed for permanent memorial. Generally, niches
range in price per space from $800. to $2,500.
May I scatter the ashes?
No. "The practice of
scattering cremated remains on the sea, from the air, or on the ground, or
keeping cremated remains in the home of a relative or friend of the deceased
are not the reverent disposition that the Church requires." (Order of
Christian Funerals, Appendix II) (Sometimes, this is the wish of the deceased, consider their wishes if they served in the military. The difference between scattering at sea or burying at sea is to not scatter all over the sea, just in one spot)
May I bury the ashes at sea?

May anything be added to cremated remains such as the cremated remains
of other persons, pets or other objects?
The principle of respect for the
cremated remains of a deceased Christian embraces the deeper belief in the
individuality of each baptized person before God. Throughout history, the
mingling of remains has never been an accepted practice, except in
extraordinary circumstances.
Who decides if I am cremated?
In most cases you make the
decision to be cremated. However, your survivors may decide to have you
cremated, generally due to special family circumstances, but rarely against
your will.
How do I make my wishes known?
If you desire that your body be
cremated you can make those wishes knows in your will and in documents designed
to help plan and prepare your funeral. (Self Cremation Directive in Arizona)
Do I have to honor my parent's or spouse's wish to cremate them?
No. but out of respect for loved ones,
you will want to do all you can to carry out the wishes of the deceased
concerning funeral services provided they are in keeping with Church practice (and within your budget).
Yet, you must always keep in mind the therapeutic value to the family of
celebrating the full funeral liturgy with the body present. This may
significantly outweigh your reasons for cremation before the funeral liturgy.
What funeral rites are celebrated when a person is cremated?
The following rituals may be celebrated:
Prayers after Death
This ritual is used immediately after death.
The presence of the minister, the readings, and the prayers can be of great
comfort to the family. (Order for Christian Funerals, #101-108)
Gathering in the Presence of the
This ritual can also be of great comfort to
family members and friends. It allows for a time of simple prayer and shared
silence. (Order of Christian Funerals #109-118)
Vigil for the Deceased
If cremation has already taken place, friends
and family may still gather to pray. While it has been a tradition to pray the
rosary in some regions, the Vigil for the Deceased in a Liturgy of the Word
service, which includes prayer for the deceased and recognition of his/her
Christian life. (Order of Christian Funerals #54-97)What length of time is there between death, cremation and the funeral Mass?
The answer to this question
depends on various factors, just as in the case of funerals with the body. The
place of death, the location of the crematory, scheduling a time for cremation,
the schedule at the parish church, and other circumstances impact the timing.
Once all arrangements have been made, you should generally allow at least one
day between death and the celebration of the funeral liturgy. (that is not feasibly possible with today's churches, scheduling can take up to 7 days)
What happens at the Funeral Mass with cremated remains?
Significant attention should be
given to the primary symbols of the Catholic funeral liturgy, as stated in the
Order of Christian Funerals and its commentaries. The paschal candle and
sprinkling with holy water are primary symbols of baptism and should be used
during the funeral Mass. However, the pall is not used. Photos and other
mementos may be used at the vigil, but are not appropriate for the Mass. During
the Mass, the cremated remains should be treated with the same dignity and
respect as the body. They are to be sealed in a "worthy vessel." They
may be carried in procession and/or placed on a table where the coffin normally
would be with the Easter candle nearby.
The body is always laid to rest
with solemnity and dignity. So too, the Order of Christian Funerals provides
for the interment of cremated remains (Order of Christian Funerals, #428).
Canon - 117 S1 Christ's faithful who have died
are to be given a Church funeral according to the norms of law.
S2 Church funerals are to be celebrated
according to the norms of the liturgical books. In these funeral rites the
Church prays for the spiritual support of the dead, it honors their bodies, and
at the same time it brings to the living the comfort of hope.
S3 The Church earnestly recommends that the
pious customs of burial be retained; but it does not forbid cremation, unless
this is chosen for reasons which are contrary to Christian teaching.
There you have it, that's pretty much the law written by the Catholic Diocese. Now, knowing that Jesus was a poor man that served the poor, do you really think that he would want you to remove food from your mouth to accommodate rules that were written by men? My point being, do the best you can to follow the churches rules, but don't take from yourself to the point were it hurts to follow "GUIDELINES". Do what you can, seek guidance from the church and funeral home. If the only guidance they can give you is "spend more money", reconsider the source.
One more thing, the diocese is now in the business of funeral service providers, yes, they now have funeral homes and those funeral homes must make a profit to support the church, so, with that, ask yourself when you choose to use these facilities if it is in your best interest when your are being sold a $6,500 funeral package, or you are being suggested a simple cremation to accommodate you budget.
One more thing, the diocese is now in the business of funeral service providers, yes, they now have funeral homes and those funeral homes must make a profit to support the church, so, with that, ask yourself when you choose to use these facilities if it is in your best interest when your are being sold a $6,500 funeral package, or you are being suggested a simple cremation to accommodate you budget.
Miguel Legaspi
Avenidas Funeral Chapel
This is a pretty informative blog. I will pass it on and hopefully share the word to let people know of the Catholic rules and regulations. Well said, well done!
ReplyDeleteThank you for your positive input.
Deletethis article is such a great information, i have learned a lot from your post specially its all about cremation for the person we love..
ReplyDeleteThank you Pittsburgh, I am grateful that there are the facilities out there that share the same opinions and understandings as us.
DeleteOne of the best blog about the rules of Catholic church about cremation. Thank you for sharing this valuable information.
ReplyDeleteThank you Ashes at Sea. I try to introduce new ones now and again.
DeleteDear Miguel. This is an amazing blog about Catholic cremation issues and burial, etc. It was very helpful to me. Thanks so much.
ReplyDeleteMy Mom passed away Feb.4th and it's now March 3rd and we still haven't seen her,My Mom is in Florida and she will be baried in Pennsylvania beside my Dad My Mom wanted to be cremated that was choice, My sister in Florida is keeping her in Florida and bringing her up here till weather is better or at my sister's convenience to bring her up here, Is this wrong ? I fill My Mom is in limbo and doesn't know were she is or she doesn't see the light were to go and this bothers me so much I don't know what to do
ReplyDeleteOur Catholic Burial Plot is paid for . But after 100years it then goes back to the council and can be resold for burial. So why have we paid a price for a plot and Memorial stone which after the last burial the plot is again available for sale and burial.