have a very good friend of mine that owns a casket store, his name is Eddie Chavez. He owns "Eddies Caskets" here in Phoenix Arizona. Since I moved here to Phoenix back in 2003 I became aware of Eddie and his casket store.
I don’t think in all the valley in the casket industry will you find a more respected man. Eddie calls me at times and will say "Miguel, I have this Family..." That is when I know he needs me the most. I will always respond with, "What do YOU need me to do for them Eddie?" You see, to me, Eddie holds a great deal of respect by certain communities within the greater Phoenix area. He has been there for them. He probably will up to the day he is called home.
A Korean War Veteran, Eddie is an elderly Gentleman, to me, a Statesman. He has told me on more than one occasion, "Who is going to take care of the people once I am gone?" He means it. He is a very caring and compassionate man. at his age of 80+ years, he pulls up to your location in his big white van with a simple sign on it that say "Eddies Caskets" He walks with a cane and will share with you a story now and again, but only if interested about his experiences in the military. He can be a short spoken man. When speaking with him on the phone, he can talk with you in depth about the family he is asking you to help, or be quick to hang up.
Eddie sells a variety of caskets at his location, Imports, Metal, Hardwoods, various colors. He shops far and wide for a "good deal" to present to the community. People always go to him; there are families that have been returning to him for years. I remember him telling me once a story when he sold a casket back in the 50's, THE 50'S! How about that.
As any casket store, Eddie does not mark his merchandise up much. That is why he is so proud of his business. I remember he told me once, "The funeral homes wouldn’t be so mad at me if they wouldn’t mark their caskets up so much!" I agree, that is why I follow his mark-up practices, just a little to make a simple profit. So when Eddie delivers a casket to my funeral home, it doesn’t hurt, because I leave the casket sale to him, I respect his business, and in turn, should the Family think of purchasing a casket from me, I offer them a % off the services to stay with his casket. That is called good business and respect for a upstanding gentleman that has been serving the community for so long.
There are funeral homes out there that see the family as a target, they will offer to sell a "Package" service at a lower price but ONLY if they buy the funeral home CASKET. What greed, how sad. No respect for themselves, their fellow businessman or the industry. To them it is all about the quick buck, never mind the referral by Eddie to their location. They don’t like him anyways because besides, he owns a CASKET STORE, to some in the industry that is considered a bottom feeder. Of course they want you to see it like that, the funeral home is losing out on up to $1,500 profit on a casket sale. I have know funeral home owners who's only advice to a family was "Just cancel the check you wrote to Eddie, you don't even have to go back there" That's quality business practices and morality.
Again, greed, how sad.
Oh, "Eddies Caskets" Phone Number
I have another friend, Her name is Angie, Angie also sells caskets, maybe not as much as Eddie but still, she has kind of developed the name of the Eddie of the west side. Angie's stock is a little down right now, but she is still a valuable asset to the communities and is sought out by families at need. Angie is trying to decide whether to continue in the casket industry, it is more a word of mouth industry and Angie has a wonderful heart, she cares a great deal for families, just like Eddie, and will go above and beyond to help, and most of the time it is all about the casket, the rest she does on her own time, and out of her own pocket. Such compassion.
Casket stores are not a bad thing, unfortunately there are some out there that feel the greed of the funeral industry and mark their caskets up a great deal. That’s a shame.
My good friend Joey of Frugal Caskets makes some WONDERFUL, BEAUTIFUL caskets at a very affordable price. Unfortunately Joey is moving on to bigger and better things and is closing his business if he cant find a buyer. It is a good business and makes beautiful caskets.
A thing about caskets......................, time to teach!
Most expensive brands to least expensive brand;
1. Batesville
2. York
3. Aurora
4. Astral
5. Local Casket Manufactures
6. Import casket manufacturers
OK, so what is a good price on a casket you ask? I know ….. you ask, you ask!
Remember, this is no science, any funeral home can ask any price for anything they want.
what they ask is what they ask, it does NOT make them wrong, you need to ask yourself how much your willing to pay. BUT! This can be the difference between a $2,500 funeral, or a $4,200 funeral.
This pricing is what I, a funeral home owner consider FAIR pricing to support my business and cover my overhead.
20 Gauge no gasketed single VERY PLAIN color casket with adjustable bed and fixed same color hardware and crepe interior. (Usually Copper or Silver only) COLOR HAS NO BRILLIANCE, ruff finish. Usually referred to as "TRINDEX" (This casket works FINE for what you may need it for, consider it!)
About $500 to $725
20 Gauge no gasketed single color casket with adjustable bed and fixed same color hardware and crepe interior.
About $550 to $775
20 Gauge non gasketed single color casket with adjustable bed fixed SHINY hardware and crepe interior.
About $650 to $850
20 Gauge gasketed single color or dusted casket with adjustable bed and fixed SHINY hardware with crepe interior.
About $850 to $1100
20 Gauge gasketed single color or two toned casket with adjustable bed and fixed print on corners SHINY hardware, embroidered head panel and crepe interior.
About $950 to $1,350
18 Gauge gasketed single color, shaded or metal brushed with adjustable bed and swing bar hardware with embroidered head panel and crepe or velvet interior.
About $1,150 to $1,750
16 gauge gasketed single color, shaded or metal brushed with adjustable bed and swing bar hardware, velvet interior and/or embroidered head panel.
About $1,650 to $2,200
Stainless Steel gasketed single color, shaded or metal brushed with adjustable bed and swing bar hardware with velvet interior.
About $2,200 to $2,800
32 oz Copper single color, shaded or metal brushed with adjustable bed and swing bar hardware with velvet interior.
About $2,600 to $3,300
32 oz Bronze single color, shaded or metal brushed with adjustable bed and swing bar hardware with velvet interior.
About $3,300 to $3,600
Wood, wow, most wood caskets come from China were they are made with very cheap labor but are HIGH QUALITY! China has always been renown for its ability to build any quality wood ANYTHING. THESE CASKETS ARE GOOD! A funeral home makes a Very fat profit on these caskets, they will tell you ANYTHING to get you to believe it is made in America if you don't care for Chinese products.
Mahogany, Most Expensive |
Solid Mahogany, High Gloss Finish, Velvet interior, Up to $5,000, depending on were you shop. Priced reasonably?
$2,800 to
Cherry is very prestigious and stately, Presidential |
Solid Cherry, High Gloss hand rubbed finish, Velvet Interior
$1,800 to $2,250
Oak, very dignified |
Solid Oak, Satin finish, adjustable bed, Velvet interior
$1,800 to $2,400
Pieta, Vere religious |
High Gloss finish, adjustable bed, Velvet or Crepe interior, fix or swing bar hardware, Poplar wood .
$1,800 to $2,400
With the exception of a Mahogany casket, if you are paying over $2,800 for a wood, SOLID WOOD casket, you are paying way to much. If you are paying over $1,900 for a casket "I" personally think its to much but that's just me, But some people would like a Mahogany casket. That's OK.
This is a Cherry Veneer Wood Casket, can you tell the difference? |
Veneer woods are much more affordable than solid woods and they look good, to good for some funeral homes to market them, (Veneer is thin wood sheets glued over pressed or cheaper wood) Be cautious when purchasing a wood casket. Look at the bottom to ensure it is solid wood. If you pay over
$1,100 for a veneer casket, that's way to much.
Build your own casket, You can and the mortuary and cemetery have to use it, it's the law and legal. No inspections, no fee's, nothing, just take it to the funeral home.
The rules are, there are no rules. All funeral homes are directed by the Federal Trade Commission (the big guys in Washington D.C.) to accept a casket from another vendor with no fees, penalties or inspection charges. The family is not required to sign a release nor or they required to be there when the casket arrives.
Contrary to what some funeral home owners believe, they are not doctors or lawyers nor do they fall under ANY of the same special guidelines that those type of specialists do. They are funeral directors, that’s all and most hold only a Associates Degree in "Mortuary Science". That is commendable I might add, but it is not a "Doctorate" in anything. They are required to follow the same guidelines as me, and yes, I am not a funeral director. Just a business owner like them, and maybe you, that's trying to make a difference for the community through savings, affordability and compassion.
So there you have it, remember, these prices you probably will find at MOST casket stores and few funeral homes, well, mine anyways. Don't underestimate casket stores, most are reputable, some are not. Even some funeral homes offer good pricing in regards to caskets, but most don't. SHOP AROUND!
For more information about caskets, follow the blue links and read:
Semper Fi
Miguel Legaspi